Serba Dapur

Saturday 22 February 2014

All of preparation is just my imagination

Indonesia have many kind about the culture. arround a hundred more kind of the cultures, etnics and languages. Indonesia located in the ring fire. . As many as the culture, we often get dissaster in here. Lots people killed to be victims. sound very sad??? BIG YESSS!!!

Volcanic activity comes in many different forms, from tricles of lava to violent explosions that shoot rocks, ash and gas hundres of feet into the air. but all of types volcanic eruptions is dangerous. Fortunately, almost of volcanoes are carefully monitored, and scientists can usually provide some advance warning before a serious event. that mean, if you live near a volcano or get an oportunity to visit one, you are always at risk. As the case with most natural  hazard, however a little knowlegde and preparation can help you escape eruption alive.
When a volcanic eruption is imminent, people are usually evacuated fro, the surrounding area and if the area to be evacuated is very large, the goverment comes in to help. Air travel can be restricted during a vulcanic eruption becouse of poor visibility. the risk of damage to the aircraft. Vulcanic ash from eruptions is also cleaned away before normal life can resume.

But its just on my imagination.. T_T

Why you keep getting rain when you have a umbrella???

Sunday 16 February 2014


WAKTU... Adakah diantara kita yang tak mengenal waktu??? yupiiiiii!!! kita mengenal waktu. Siapakah diantara kita yang tak punya kenangan dimasa kecil??? semua pasti punya. Senangnya diri ini dikala masih kecil. Bisa bermain tanpa beban akan tanggungjawab, tak perlu kerja nyari harta yang menggunung, tak perlu lagi mikirin tanggungan ini itu lah..hmmm
Sembari menyelami kenangan masa kecil, yuk berbagi kisah... ayoooookkkk ^_^

Permainan jaman doeloe sangatlah populer sebelum teknologi bertamu ke Indonesia. meski buta teknologi, namun anak-anak mampu menggunakan bahan seadanya untuk dijadikan mainan. Dibalik itu semua, permainan tempo dulu  memiliki manfaat yang tak kalah dashatnya. Selain melatih fisik dan mental, secara tidak langsung anak dirangsang untuk mengembangkan pola kreativitas, ketangkasan, jiwa kepemimpinan, kecerdasan dan keluasan wawasan melalui permainan tradisional. Yang paling penting lagi adalah semua permainan tradisional bisa dilakukan oleh minimal dua orang bahkan ada juga yang dimainkan oleh anak se-RT. wkwkwkw :D. Ini menimbulkan pola sosial pada anak.

Kepopuleran permainan selalu bersalang seling bagaikan musim. Setelah musim layang-layang, berganti lagi permainan Egrang, kemudian permainan kelereng, berganti lagi ke permainan yang lain. Begitu seterusnya... Kayak musim buah aje.. :D

Ditempatku permainan ini namanya adalah "Mercon Bombong", tak tahu lagi ditempatmu. Nama permainan boleh beda tapi pada dasarnya sama saja.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Sorry, we don't celebrate VALENTINE DAYS

FEBRUARY... Do you know what the mean in behind of  February???? yup.. u right.. it mean is month of lovely days, and we call it with valentine days at 14th. in the valentine days, all of the color is changed to pink and chocolate. departement store, stationary, and all of kind shop had change to pink. many people will celebrated valentinedays, child, teenager, young and old people never forgot it. valentine days has sign a guy must give a flowers or chocolate as his gift for his couple.
Some friends ask me about the valentine days
Easy there cupid. Im "Muslim".

What's that cupid? Are you wondering why I put quotes around "muslim"? That's becouse i'm trying to sound "confident"

wait, are you saying putting quotes around things makes me seem fake? Well, you should "shut up!!!!" then.

             Valentine's day is western culture, from liberalism. Up till now we know it as lovely ceremony at 14th February. It sound is beauty. lovely days. Yes, thats true, isnt???. But, behind of the royal and beauty of  party, has kind of history why they celebrated valentine. I though it is not important. Even many muslim know it, they keep doing celebrated it. They are knowlegable with the words about "lovingkindness".
Just At the moment, all of accessories and place to become exclusive's like chocolate and all of pink and heart type's. many film and program channel has topic about valentine's in every where.
But not in Islam. Islam is prohibited to celebrate valentine days. Its not mean Islam want to be different, but its bcouse principle. What principle?? Islam has prohibition to celebrate lovely days?? NO!!!
Allah is Merciful Lord.

Any reason why valentines day prohibited in islam?

Sunday 9 February 2014


         Indonesia is famous with the biggest moslem in their country. But, you know? in the reality, it is not true. Indonesia has many kinds of religion. It has 6 formal religions, they are Islam, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Budha and the last is Khonghucu. Khonghucu is a new religion in here. At the past time, many Chinese people are Khonghucu and they do not get their admittance freely in here. But when Mr. Gusdur was president, he made Khonghucu formally and the Chinese people have rights as Indonesian people. they can save and be guaranteed in here.
 This is Indonesia. We can respect about religion else each other. But sometime, we get few conflicts. That is a normal condition as a country with many kinds of culture. Moreover, we can save and get living in peace again.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Kelud's Mountain

Assalamu'alaikum all...^_^

I want to share what happen in the Java. About everything in my island. besides java have something unique, this time i want to write about Kelud's Mountain. 

Letusan Gunung Kelud bakal lebih dahsyat dari Sinabung            Kelud is a volcano mountain located in Eanst Java on Java in Indonesia. Like many Indonesian volcanoes and others on the Pacific Ring of Fire Kelud is known for large explosive eruptions throughout its history. More than 30 eruptions have occurred since 1000 A.D. this mountain has erupted many times. On May 19, 1919, an eruption at Kelud killed an estimated 5,000 people, mostly through hot mudflows (also known as "lahar"). More recent eruptions in 1951, 1966, and 1990 have altogether killed another 250 people.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Dasar Pembohong!!!

  Bohong!!! Pernahkah kalian berbohong??? Walaupun hanya sekali? Aku pun pernah.
    Ku tak mau memungkirinya. Dan saya kira semua orang tidak ingin dibohongi. Benar?
Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
    “Tanda orang-orang munafik itu ada tiga keadaan. Pertama, apabila berkata-kata ia berdusta. Kedua, apabila berjanji ia mengingkari. Ketiga, apabila diberikan amanah (kepercayaan) ia mengkhianatinya”.(Hadist Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

   Ada pepatah bahwa “kebohongan demi kebaikan itu diperbolehkan”, apakah kalian setuju?
Yup!!! Dalam beberapa kondisi dan situasi tertentu, islam memperbolehkan berbohong. 
